Membership Terms

by Harmania Indie Choir

Our Ethos

Harmania is an inclusive, non auditioned Indie Pop choir for over 18s. We welcome everyone regardless of background or singing experience. In fact, a large percentage of our members stated on their application form that they had no singing experience !!  Our repertoire mainly focuses on songs from the Indie/Pop/ Rock / Alternative and Folk genres. However, nothing is off the cards !!  In order to honour our ethos of inclusivity and accessibility, we teach everything by ear using participatory methods so there is no need to read music.  We also believe that the type of music we sing is best learned by ear due to nuances in the style that cannot be accurately represented in written notation.  Please bare in mind that for these reasons we do not provide music scores for any of our songs. Also, be mindful that if you come from a choral/classical background that singing songs from the above genres and learning by ear is a different discipline. In saying that we believe it is for everyone regardless of past experience.

Choir Terms & Conditions


We currently hold rehearsals on Monday nights at 8pm-9:30pm.  However, our rehearsals often run a half an hour over in order to facilitate a break/chat or much needed extra rehearsal time coming up to a performance so you should allow for a two hour rehearsal.

One of our aims is to achieve ‘balance’ in the choir, not just musically by balancing the different sections but also in terms of gender and age.  While we strive to accommodate everyone, we often have limited availability and therefore offer places based on availability in the appropriate section you are hoping to join.  If you apply and we can’t offer you a place at that time, your name will be put on a waiting list and we will contact you once a place arises. If we contact you to offer you a place and you don’t accept it within two days, we delete your application and offer your place to the next person on the list. This is necessary in order to reduce the administration time involved in signing up new members.

The year is divided into 3 terms of 10 weeks. Sometimes, it is necessary to add on rehearsals to the end of term or add on a term during the summer in order to get ready for gigs and performances. The fee for any extra rehearsals can be paid for at the end of term depending on how many are needed.

For the Winter and Spring term, we follow the school calendar however, it is sometimes necessary to hold a rehearsal during mid-term if we’ve had to cancel a rehearsal due to unforeseen circumstances or we have an upcoming performance. Our summer term ( After Easter) can be more intense if we have a lot of performances coming up. Members may be required to attend a few rehearsals a week if taking part in these performances,.

What you get for membership :

  • 10 weekly rehearsals ( Each term may vary)  per term.
  • The opportunity to take part in various public performances, concerts and festivals  throughout the year.
  • The opportunity to be part of professional sound recordings and videos.
  • Access to members only Facebook group , WhatsApp group and Website membership area where music files and rehearsal notes are provided.
  • The opportunity to audition for smaller ensembles and professional gigs.
  • First refusal for membership in subsequent terms. (This is based on your attendance record in the previous term.)
  • The option to attend our ‘Big Sing Events’ at a reduced price .

Please note: 

  • We usually need to have extra rehearsals coming up to a performance. There is a small extra charge for the cost of running these – rental/musicians. The cost will depend on the amount of people taking part in that particular performance.
  • Professional video/ sound ,studio recording – The production costs of recording videos are not included in the term fee. Anyone wishing to take part will need to contribute towards the production costs. Again, the contribution will depend on the amount of people taking part.

Fee Payment

Fees are fixed per term and may be adjusted or changed annually. Please note that your fee covers your membership of the choir for the term and should not be thought of as a weekly amount per rehearsal. We have a minimum commitment of one full term.

By joining Harmania, you agree to pay full fees before the term starts.

We have three payment options:

  1. Online (Before the closing date)
  2. At a registration night held approx. 1 week before term.
  3. Pay a deposit ( of half the fee) at the end of term for the following one and the remainder on the first night of term. (You must already be a member to choose this option)

Please note: Your place is not secured until full payment is received. Simply filling in the application form does not guarantee a place. Due to restrictions in numbers allowed, it is imperative that we know exactly how many people we have signed up well in advance of the start of term. This is also extremely important musically, in trying to achieve a balance throughout the different sections of the choir.

In order to accept/secure your place, your fee must be paid by the deadline through one of the above options. (We are unable to facilitate payment through any other options outside of this.)  If payment isn’t received before the deadline, we offer your place to the next person on the waiting list.

Administratively and musically it’s necessary for the fee payment to be structured in this way. The same rule must apply to all members.

Refunds or discounts cannot be given at any time for missed rehearsals or a person’s inability to attend every rehearsal in the term. In exceptional circumstances i.e. illness or bereavement , we may offer our members the option to freeze their membership and carry it over to the next term . This is entirely at the discretion of the Harmania team.

Full fees must be paid before you can attend rehearsals  

We will notify members of any fee changes in advance of registration.

Rehearsal Content.

As a member of Harmania you are given access to materials, harmonies, arrangements , concepts, ideas, teaching methods and techniques that are considered intellectual property and owned by Harmania Indie Choir. By becoming a member, attending workshops, performances or any event put on by Harmania, you are agreeing not to share, use, copy, amend or distribute any of this content at another event,  with a third party or group. Any breech of this agreement is taken seriously and may result in legal action.  Harmania Indie Choir reserve the right to refuse admission ( without refund)  to anyone they feel may challenge this agreement .


As a member of Harmania you are given the opportunity to take part in various performances throughout the year.  These performances can vary between having the whole choir or)sometimes a small ensemble with a limited amount of singers. By signing up to do a performance, you are agreeing to attend every weekly rehearsal plus any extra rehearsals involved in preparing for the event. If you miss rehearsals, you will be asked to step down from taking part in the performance. While this is not desirable, we consider it to be crucial in achieving an acceptable and respectable standard and the fairest option for the choir as a whole.  We would ask our members to consider carefully before committing to a performance.

Extra Performance Opportunities

Occasionally, we may run auditions for smaller ensembles/ professional gigs outside of the normal choir performance. We will notify the choir when these opportunities arise.  While we offer the opportunity to audition for these parts to choir members, we are specifically looking for people that may have professional singing experience outside of the choir, have an exceptionally good ear, can learn fast, can sing their part comfortably without the assistance of another singer, has some professional performance/gig experience and has experience singing on mic .  We may also audition people outside of the choir. Singers will be chosen based on the vocal part needed, voice type/genre needed, vocal ability, availability for extra rehearsals and a good record of attendance in their weekly choir rehearsals. Please note that the above credentials do not automatically entitle you to a place in these ensembles and the decision of the Harmania team is final.

Code of conduct

Harmania is an inclusive choir welcoming people from all backgrounds regardless or race, creed ,disability or sexuality. We require all our members to value the same principles towards everyone involved in our choir, be that members, visitors, audiences, third parties and any member of the Harmania team.  As human beings, we are fully aware that people have different thoughts and views on how things should be done. However,  in order to ensure the smooth running and positive experience of our group, we must insist that the professional opinions, decisions and instructions of the Harmania team are followed and respected at all times.

The safety and wellbeing of our members and team is of paramount importance. Undesirable behaviour in any form ( threatening/abusive/undermining behaviour or harassment of any kind)  towards any member, audience member, third party or the Harmania team will not be tolerated and will result in immediate cancellation of the offending person’s membership without refund.

Harmania Indie Choir reserve the right to refuse admission and/or membership. 

Cancelled Rehearsals

Occasionally, due to circumstances outside of our control i.e. illness, adverse weather conditions, pandemics etc  we may have to cancel or postpone a rehearsal. While we will do our best to arrange the rehearsal for another night, if this is not possible, we will add an extra rehearsal for free to the following term or offer a partial refund if you are not returning for the following term.

Health and Safety

The health and safety of our members is extremely important to us. Rehearsals can sometimes involve long periods of standing and/or movement. If you have any issues that may effect your ability to do this, please let us know and we can arrange for you to participate without having to do so.

It is important that you inform us of any disabilities, issues or concerns that you have so that we can make provisions to ensure an accessible and comfortable rehearsal for you.

Harmania cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage or theft of personal belongings so we ask you to please look after your own property with care. 

Social Media, Advertising and communications.

By joining Harmania you are agreeing to us using any photos, videos and recordings taken in rehearsals, performances and all Harmania events to be used in social media forums and for advertising purposes. These images an videos will form part of our portfolio and may be used in the future even if you are no longer part of the choir.

You are also agreeing to us contacting you via email. Facebook, WhatsApp or phone regarding any choir notifications or your membership. Please note that as a member, you are required to have a Facebook account. While we do communicate through our WhatApp groups, our main source of communication is through our private Facebook group where it is easier to post important files and gather important information. It is possible for you to have a private Facebook account that you use only for choir purposes.

 By signing up and becoming a member of Harmania Indie Choir you are agreeing to the above terms & conditions.  Harmania reserve to right to amend or change the terms & conditions at any time.


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